Saturday, March 7, 2009

How to Forget About an Ex

Most people will at some point in their life have to deal with a breakup with a partner and the emotions that comes with it. Sometimes it takes a while to get back on your feet and other times you feel better after a shorter period of time. It all depends on what type of person you are and how serious the relationship was. Here are some advice on how to make this period as bearable as possible.

1 - Talk to your friends

2 - Get clear with your ex. If there are a lot of unresolved issues involving money, possessions,
etc., clear them up

3 - Distract yourself. Movies, sightseeing, outdoor activities, games and a good book are all

4 - Take up a new hobby or enroll in some classes.

5 - Exercise - put your mind on something new, like training for a marathon, improving your
tennis game, or working on those abs.

6 - Work hard. Work can be a great distraction, especially if you feel like you're accomplishing

7 - Indulge yourself. Chocolates, massages, facials, shopping sprees - whatever helps make you
feel good about yourself

8 - Date other people.

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